How to speak to a larger audience by writing to a small one
‘Go narrow to go deep’ is a phrase that is often heard in relation to product development or marketing. Essentially, you’ve got to solve a specific problem for a specific person in order to attract more people with the same problem.
Well, the same can be said for your book.
When you try to be all things to all people in your writing, then you will fail to engage anyone at all as customer service expert Jaquie Scammell discovered.
Watch Now and Learn:
- Why your book can’t be for everyone and everybody
- Why you can never be ‘too specific’ when it comes to audience
- How to develop a customer archetype to help stay focused
After you have watched this, we would love to know:
- What strategies have you used to keep your audience front of mind?
- What was the biggest insight from this video for you?
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