How a book becomes your best content marketing strategy
Your book creates its own content along the way.
What do I mean by this?
Well, the thing with publishing a book is that we are, more often than not, focused on the end result, the final finished product, instead of all the intangible wins and outcomes that happen along the way.
Working on a book means you are working on your WHOLE BUSINESS MESSAGE, and you are constantly creating content that you can LEVERAGE ELSEWHERE.
Here’s just a few examples of intangible, but INVALUABLE things, that have come from a couple of my authors in the Expert Author Community.
Allan Sicard launched a podcast The Courage to Lead (the same name of his book), which he is using to leverage his stories, as well as others in his network, and this in turn is helping him create an audience for his book when it’s ready for release. (FYI, his website traffic has increased tenfold since the podcast launched and since he's been sharing these stories.)
Christopher S. Sellers started sharing behind-the-scenes intel about his book, and its message, on Linked In, while he was writing. During this time, because of what he shared, he was asked to attend a conference to keynote on his topic of applied creativity - he used the content he’d already written to form the basis of this keynote. (Win-win) I'd also like to add here that Chris has done an exceptional job of continuing to build an audience for his book on this platform, and those people are now fully invested into helping his launch. (Win-win-win)
Alison Coughlan, Verena Voelter, MD and Sharee Johnson teamed up to launch their individual books and leverage their combined expertise and knowledge in the area of healthcare. This then prompted a series of consistent, regular Linked In lives together (which they ran for maybe like a whole year!) and they still continue to share their smarts with each other, and each other’s network to incredible results.
Cassandra Goodman and Richard Brisebois, Ph.D. put their brains and experience together to come up with and launch an online program together. How to Be True to Yourself at Work is the result of that collaboration, with many more projects in the pipeline.
So what does all this mean?
Working on your book honest how you speak about yourself, how you sell and package up your services, and creates a ridiculously valuable swag of content that you can use for blog posts, articles, speeches, workshops, courses, conversations and so much more.
Stop trying to “find time” for the small things like writing a blog, and instead prioritise time for your big-ticket item: a book.
You'll not just kill two birds in the one go, but maybe 20, AND you will have so much more impact as a result.
Just look at how much content author Oscar Trimboli has to work with now his book How to Listen is out.
As author and self-publishing whizz Anna Featherstone reiterated on a coaching session she recently did with our Expert Author community: Nothing ever gets left on the cutting room floor!
These are just a couple of examples, and I know there are many more I have missed.
So I’d love it if you could share with me what writing a book has helped you achieve along the way?
Book in a session with an experienced book coach today and ensure your writing journey is on the right path.