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Tip 23: Leave a Legacy

This week megalomaniac Bikram Choudhury was forced to hand over his multi-billion dollar empire to his former student and employee Minakshi Jafa-Bodden.

Yet in this Guardian article about the court case and abuse she faced from Choudhury, Jafa-Bodden confessed to remaining devoted to the Bikram yoga practice saying:

It must seem mystifying to someone who is not into Bikram yoga, but I do actually think yoga is the answer.

She did not turn against the practice – in fact, she credits Francesca Asumah, one of the most sought-after yoga instructors in California, with helping her to keep it together while the lawsuit was going on.

Like many others, Jafa-Bodden’s issue is not with the yoga itself but with the man behind it.

Bikram yoga will continue to live on without Choudhury, and with the Bikram name removed (this is already trending among studios in the US).

This is the real power of this yoga style and sequence.

The real strength lies in the content.

The content is so strong it will be keep being rebranded, added to, revised, updated or changed.

This is how you must think about the content in your book.

Yes you are writing to share your expertise with the world, but it’s more than just words that you’re working on.

You're distilling your thoughts and ideas, and strengthening your IP.
You’re leaving a legacy in this world.

Your content has to be water tight for it to live on long after you are gone or involved.

Write your content, test it with your audience, and then rework it to make it concrete.

Think of the world’s most influential business books – Getting Things Done, The Monk and The Riddle, Lean Start-up Methodology, Good to Great, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, The Six Sigma Way, The Tipping Point, How to Win Friends and Influence People, Purple Cow, The 4-Hour Work Week, Think and Grow Rich, Six Thinking Hats.

These books are so good they have undergone multiple morphoses, revisions and updated thinking.

They’ve stood the test of time.

The authors created a legacy that lives on now, with or without them.

So when you’re writing your book, choosing the content that should go in, and that which should stay out, ask yourself this:

What is it you want to leave in this world?

What content will live on long after you do?

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Kelly Irving

I’m an editor and writing coach with a love for deep-diving into brains and businesses. Through my one-to-one work and online program, I provide an action-by-action process that speeds up the time it takes to produce your best book, and turns overwhelm and self-doubt into momentum and excitement for writing.


The 5-Step Structure

to Write Anything


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